Monday, September 04, 2006

On Our Own

Grandma Zimmerman left on Saturday, leaving Allen, Elaine & Owen to fend for themselves (though to be honest, Owen hasn’t been picking up much of the slack). Having had a third set of hands to hold and change Owen, as well as do laundry, clean, and make the occasional meal spoiled us a bit, but we’ve been muddling through (then again, it’s only been 36 hours). We’re hoping if nothing else, this will help in the transition to when Allen goes back to work next week, though the logic of how losing help eases the loss of more help in the future seems somewhat flawed, it made lots of sense when Allen explained it at 2 in the morning.

Instead of pining over the loss of his Grandma, Owen’s kept pretty busy: He’s had a bath, met Brad & Marlo Brown and Emilie Raguso, gone on his first walk to Lincoln Park (where he met DC Mayoral candidate Linda Cropp) and went to Mom Mom’s (aka Grandma Fawcett) for the first time. All of this activity has been wonderful for stimulating little Owen’s mind, but not so good for inducing him to sleep. As a result, we’re hoping for an extremely boring Labor Day.

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