Thursday, August 01, 2013

Life's a Beach

We were a little short on vacation time this summer, but with Mom Mom and Grandpa Don having a free condo to share at the Outer Banks, we wanted to squeeze in at least a few days at the beach with them, Aunt Katherine & Uncle L. So the morning after Allen returned from Aspen, we packed up the car and headed to Duck, NC (by way of Allen's alma mater).

The temps were in the low-eighties that week, which meant that the water was a little chilly, but the burning sand and biting flies which had ruined Nora's seaside visits in the past were no longer a factor. Absent those, Nora had a great time -- spending most of the mornings making sand castles with a few forays into the water (so long as daddy was holding her). Owen for his part continued his love of boogie boarding though was a bit more selective in which waves he was willing to try. Allen and I just enjoyed sharing our parental duties.

We only had three days there, but everyone had a really good time and Nora even managed a souvenir -- "Lana," the moon jellyfish she found on the shore our last morning there. Can't wait to see what she collects from the roadside on our trip to Iowa...

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