Monday, December 19, 2005

Don't Ask Don't Tell

If you look at the calendar you'll probably notice that the current date and the date of this post don't quite match. That's because as I sit here writing this, we still aren't telling people yet. By the time you read this, hopefully (knock on wood) the first trimester will have passed safely and we'll be ready to share the big news with our family, friends, and the whole blogosphere.

The biggest problem for us in keeping everything secret is the timing. (Well the biggest problem might be that I'm horrible at keeping secrets, but I'm trying to channel my urge to tell everyone into writing these secret posts.) How do we keep this secret over the holidays? We're going to Dallas to spend Christmas with Elaine's family, and while they might not think twice about Elaine passing on the wine at dinners, they'll probably wonder about the conspicuous lack of diet coke consumption. Last weekend we went down to Charlottesville to visit Joe and Cate, a trip we planned before we knew that Elaine was pregnant. Originally we were planning to go on some winery tours, thankfully Joe and Cate didn't mention those plans, and we certainly didn't bring them up. However, over the course of several meals and many hands of bridge they certainly noticed Elaine wasn't drinking wine with the rest of us. Now Elaine is completely conviced that there on to us.

Anyways, Elaine comes from long line of mothers that believes it's bad luck to tell anyone about a pregnancy before the first trimester is over. During labor, her grandmother still thought it was too early to tell people, and many women from that generation wouldn't even tell their husbands until they were showing, so I guess I should be happy that at least I know. Since I'm not overly superstitious I'm not too worried if people suspect before we tell them, and I'm all for waiting to tell people if if makes Elaine feel more comfortable. So until we're ready to tell everyone, I'll keep writing these posts (which I have to admit are a pretty good substitute for telling everyone I see that I'm going to be a dad) and saving them as drafts until we're ready to go live. And if anyone asks Elaine if she's pregnant, she has the perfect comeback, "Why, do I look fat?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We wondered about the conspicuous lack of consumption of good wine at Christmas ourselves, especially Ginny who is perceptive about such things.

However, that left a lot more good wine to consume in celebrating the news.

Grandma & Grandpa Z