Monday, April 01, 2013

Easter 2013


It's been a crazy month, what with the move (March 8th), putting our old house on the market (March 20), getting that house under contract (March 26th) all while trying to settle into the new place. Due to the madness, we've let certain things slide: there's been a lot of eating out, bedtimes are a moving target and we only have few things on the walls.

We ended the month strongly, however, with our version of a traditional Easter.

We began with an Easter Egg hunt with Owen getting a Lego set we wouldn't let him open until later and Nora consuming a frightening amount of candy in a brief amount of time. This followed by our traditional Easter breakfast at our local bagel place because it's a block from the church that has the 10:30 am service (since we can't seem to make St. Peter's 9:00 am mass and the 11:00 am is too late). We cut out of church a little early and then headed up to Mom Mom and Grandpa Don's with Katherine, Lee, Makayla and Grandpa Fawcett for a second Easter Egg hunt where Owen got another Lego set we wouldn't let him open (so he carried it around most of the afternoon) and Nora ate even more candy. After some confused pipes thinking everything was supposed to rise after three days triggered an emergency visit from the WSSC (which caused Mom Mom a great deal of stress and Grandpa Fawcett a good deal of entertainment), we sat down to an amazing Easter dinner where even Nora put aside her assorted chocolates for seconds of the ham Mom Mom had shipped from Vermont.

It was a pretty awesome day -- so much so that Allen was asleep by 7:30 pm that night. Good thing he was taking off most of Easter Monday for opening day...

(click here for all the pictures)

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