Sunday, April 01, 2018

Easter 2018


We went up at Katherine & Lee's house for a Final 4 party on Saturday with Mom & Don, Nancy & Danny, and Makayla. We spent the night, and Katherine even set up the new 'Tool Suite' for dad as a fourth guest room. On Sunday we went over to Mom & Don's for Easter dinner, and the kids all had another fun Easter Egg hunt, and Makayla found the Golden Egg, with the big prize, a Star Wars puzzle that I think all the kids will get to help put together over in Katherine & Lee's puzzle room :-)

Easter also happened to be on April 1st this year, so the kids planned a big April Fool's Day prank for Aunt Katherine. Originally they were scheming to pour out all of her hot sauces and replace them with fish sauce, but after a little discussion about nice pranks and mean pranks, they modified the plan to make new 'fishy labels' for her hot sauce collection. They barricaded the door to the tool room, and created a number of diversion art works to account for their time and cover their tracks, then snuck up to steal the hot sauces, affix the new labels, and replace them all before bedtime. In the morning, Katherine made some avocado toast that really needed hot sauce, and she was surprised to find instead, "BBQ with a hot new twist, Anchovies!", "Ala Angelfish," "Salmon Malaganese," "A 'Fishy' Substance, Extra Meaty," "Ariel's Conquest," "A new world's fish with bright garlic undertones," and "Salsa Verde Para Pesces."


(click here for all the pictures)

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