Sunday, June 03, 2018

Girls on the Run!


This weekend was the Spring Girls on the Run 5K, and Elaine was in Iowa for Bernie's 50th anniversary of becoming a priest this weekend, but luckily for Nora, she has an aunt that likes to run Marathons :-) Unluckily, it was pouring the morning of the race, so when Nora, Katherine, Owen and I got down to Freedom Plaza for the pre-race festivities, we hid under the awning of the National Theater. Nora did manage to get a little purple hair dye before the rain really started, but then the skies opened up, and for the next 30 minutes or so we wondered how wise it was to run in this rain-or-shine race. But then with a few minutes to spare before the start the rain eased up a bit, and we headed for the starting line on Pennsylvania Ave.

Once the race started, Katherine and Nora kept up a great pace, with Nora buying into Katherine's plan for a few minutes running then quick walking breaks. When Owen and I saw them running towards the finish line, Nora had a huge grin on her face, and they finished in just about 43 minutes, an even better pace than Nora had for the Classic 3K. Great race girls!


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