Saturday, February 23, 2019

In the Springs

Colorado Family 2019
When we discovered the kids would have a week off of school in February, we immediately thought we should go skiing. And when we started planning a trip with some friends, we decided to go to Colorado. But when our friends announced they couldn't actually make it to Colorado until Monday of that week due to a synchronized ice-skating competition (which is really a thing), I was sad -- two whole days of skiing lost. That was when Allen reminded me that we had family in Colorado, and our ski delay would actually afford us time to see them. And that, my friends, is what we call lemonade.

So we called Dave and Kara, confirmed the dates worked with their schedule.  After we landed in Denver (in a snowstorm) and rented a jeep (which the 10 year old version of myself would have enjoyed more than the 45 year old version did), we headed to "The Springs."

We fit a lot into just a few days. Allen dropped the rest of us off Saturday night and immediately headed to the Springs Ensemble Theater to catch his friend, Paul "Jude" Bishop, in the title role of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance -- Paul was Liberty Valance as opposed to the Man. The next morning, the kids and Uncle Dave conceived, work-shopped and filmed (with help from Allen), Ripped from the Headlines, the latest AEON production. We all went out to lunch and then Dave joined us for a showing of Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse, while Kara prepared for an onslaught of Gradys as Caitlin and Brandon's family came over for dinner, cupcakes in honor of Quin's birthday, and a viewing of the previous AEON production, The Rebellion.

The next morning, we decorated cookies, made a massive grocery store run for the rental house, gave a lot of hugs, and then packed up and headed to Breckenridge for the next stage of our Colorado adventure.

Colorado Family 2019 Breckenridge 2019

(To see all the Colorado Springs pictures, click here.)

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