Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cornfest 2019

Iowa 2019

We had a great time in Iowa for the Fawcett family annual Sweet Corn Festival, save for the lack of corn. Apparently, massive rains delayed the planting season and led to shallow root systems challenged by later dry weather and compacted ground. As a result, the Fawcetts had to procure sweet corn from a neighboring farm and the yield had greater variation in size. This plus the fact that judges decided to use cooled ears for the corn eating contest (freshly cooked ears have a tendency to burn the roof of your mouth, requiring more frequent swallowing and slower times) seemed to disadvantage Allen who for the first time lost the contest, bested by his cousin Thomas by a second and a half. (Owen and Nora didn't even place in the kids' competition, being swept by Thomas's offspring, though given Owen ate 10 ears total that day, he probably deserved some sort of award).

Despite the paucity of corn, we found ourselves with plenty to do this year. In part because we were there for two full weeks (well, some of us were. Allen had to to go to Aspen for a four day conference during our visit while John got to stay for three weeks). Ken met a chainsaw artist at the Johnson County Fair prior to our arrival and commissioned a "Troll Pole" for the pond, whose creation and installment we got to witness. There was a Grady family luncheon, a Zimmerman graduate visit, the Muscatine County Fair, the debut of an original composition, a baby goat, Spiderman Homecoming, face painting, a glamping adventure and of course, "Corn Fest."

Corn Fest involved a lot of family, cotton candy, s'mores, fishing, wagon rides, swimming, bouncy houses and a lot of fun. It was a pretty amazing trip to Iowa, as expected given its Owen's favorite vacation spot. We can't wait for 2020 -- when Allen reclaims his title.

(To see all the pictures, please click here.)

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