Sunday, September 01, 2019

Perfect 10

NYC 2019

Nine was kind of perfect for Nora. She had a core group of friends, a spirit animal for a teacher, and after our friend Jacqui pointed out that Nora was squinting a lot and we took her to an optometrist, sight! Nora ran 5ks and composed songs. She authored a series of comics (though she never did get that subscription service off the ground). She started climbing club and acting classes. She founded a network (sort of).

Granted, this year has been a decade in the works. Years where she struggled finding her tribe, or the right outlet for her creativity. But as Nora will happily tell everyone, you can't help but eventually notice her awesomeness. Whether it's acting, singing, writing, directing her latest musical comedy production, turning boring old viola practice into soap opera drama of musical relationships (not to mention a youtube series), or simply surprising you with a new joke or clever turn of phrase, she can't help but light up a room with her imagination.

As Nora turns ten, leaving single digits behind and starting fifth grade, there are plenty of changes and growing up for her on the horizon. But as stressful as all that may seem to us watching our little girl grow up, we just have to remember,"don't worry, we have Nora." Happy birthday, baby girl, we love you so much.

  1. I'm undulating!
  2. Nailed it
  3. Stop sinking, Smith!
  4. Boop! (No boop-backs).
  5. Free samples are amazing!
  6. Do you believe in magical onions?"
  7. Always be yourself... unless you can be a unicorn. Then definitely be a unicorn.
  8. It's not a violin!
  9. Awesome, awesomeawesome, awesome... Old Navy.
  10. And in the immortal words of Marcel Proust, "The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."

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