Sunday, November 24, 2019

We have a Pixie!

At the start of the school year, we took the kids to get haircuts. Just as we arrived at the salon, Nora announced she wanted short hair. Now, I am not opposed to short hair in theory (honestly, given the number of times Nora had lice in third grade, it's probably something we should have explored years ago). However, I strongly feel that it is not something to be done on a whim, having shorn my own locks in fifth grade per my father's suggestion only to be told by him afterward, "Hmm, maybe not."

So I informed Nora, that no, she couldn't get her hair cut short that day. But if she took some time to review styles, chose one, and documented it so she could describe and discuss it in an informed way with a stylist, then the next time she got a haircut she could get it cut short. (And then I added that I wanted to wait until after we'd had our Christmas photos taken because I am nothing if not risk averse.)

Today was the day. Having looked at bobs, shags, mohawks and all other manner of short options, Nora settled on a pixie cut modeled by actress Ginnifer Goodwin (see version 5). We went to Bravado, where luckily, Kay (my stylist) was available for the honors. 20 minutes later, our little pixie emerged with a huge grin on her face.

And no one has second guessed it.

(To see the before, during and after pictures, click here.)

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