Sunday, April 05, 2020

Pandemic, Week 3 (Dark and Foreboding)

Social Distancing Week 3
This week the world hit over one million COVID-19 cases -- the U.S. accounting for 300,000 of them (and more than 8,000 deaths). The President suggested people should start wearing masks (even though there are aren't enough for hospital staff so I'm not sure how any of us are going to get them, but details); Allen tried to comply. The number of people filing for unemployment hit 10 million, DC issued a "stay-at-home" order (though we still get to go out for walks and bike rides), DCPS is still deciding if we'll ever return to non-distance learning this year, and Nats opening day didn't involve any openings.

But despite the escalation in the crisis, we seem to be managing. We enjoyed another family bike ride this week, (finally) subscribed to Disney Plus (thereby gaining access to hours of Marvel and Star Wars entertainment), had a Zimmerman family happy hour, participated in the Wisdom Pub Quiz with the Fawcetts (Molly's team beat us -- also we forgot that it was a virtual pub quiz and the other teams could see us which I realized after I balanced a pencil on my nose, resulting in comments from the other teams including one of my staff, which was awesome) and had a photo session to immortalize the Pandemic (which I fully expect will end up in the Ken Burns equivalent documentary in 40 years with a weathered Vanessa Hudgens narrating our vignette). Don dropped off a replacement jelly-fish nightlight for Nora; Sharon made us a pineapple upside down cake and left it at the door.

School is going ok. Owen missed the first eighth grade post-pandemic town hall (though honestly, he skips out of most pep rallies so I'm not sure it's that big of a deal) and we had to have a sit down with him to explain that he still needs to actually turn in his work, particularly when there's a "turn in assignment" upload button. He's also begun arguing for all pajama all the time dress code, but for now we're still insisting he get dressed most days. Nora finally presented her Women's History Project on Helen Keller, began having remote specials (I'm still not clear how gym class is working), advocated (contrary to most of her classmates) that there should still be a science fair, and contributed to another Camp Shenanigans Podcast entitled, Bob Loves Chocolate Pudding (Nora's suggestion of New Death City was viewed as "too soon").

The weather started to warm up this week, which also meant we could start eating outside and enjoying the occasional cocktail al fresco. We made cookies, played Catan and entertained the masses with socially relevant comic fare. Which is to say that despite what Nora claims, life has not actually been,

(To see all of this weeks pictures, click here.)

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