Sunday, June 28, 2020

Pandemic, Week 15 (Home Sweet Home)

Social Distancing - Week 15
The President suspended H-1B visas until the end of the year. The White House denied that the President was briefed in March regarding Russian bounties for the murder of American soldiers in Afghanistan. Protestors in Madison, WI mistakenly brought down a statue of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist who fought for the union in the Civil War. Police occupied Lincoln Park in response to calls to remove Emancipation, the statue showing freed enslaved man kneeling before Lincoln. The House of Representatives passed HR51, which would grant statehood to the District of Columbia. The EU moved to ban entry of Americans. Segways are being phased out.

The number of total COVID-19 cases in the world hit 10.1 million with 501,000 deaths. The U.S. hit 2.6 million cases and 128,000 deaths. Texas and Florida re-closed their bars after an explosion in new cases. Meanwhile, the Trump administration announced it would withdraw funding for testing sites in five states.

We came home, but kept our expanded bubble. The kids hung out at the Telfair-Chas on Monday and Tuesday (we joined them Tuesday night for dinner and a Little Women viewing party). On Wednesday and Thursday we hosted and made cinnamon rolls and ice cream and broke out Rock Band. Friday, Allen and Megan joined the kids for a bike ride (after Nora had her book club with Ms. Wertheimer and the SWS Class of 2020). Then we said our goodbyes as the Telfair-Chas begin an extended family quarantine, and we had dinner at Mom Mom and Grandpa Don's with special guest star Uncle L (Katherine was busy expanding her own bubble in Florida).

It was all very lovely, but made us think that we may need to bubble-expand again soon -- this time to Iowa.

(To see all of this week's pictures, click here.)

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