Sunday, December 27, 2020

Pandemic, Week 41 (Eyes on the Prize)

X-Mass 2020 - Pineapple House

On Monday of this week, Congress passed the FY2021 omnibus spending package which also included COVID relief including supplemental unemployment insurance, financial assistance for at-risk renters and a moratorium on federal evictions, an increase in SNAP food supports, vaccine distribution monies, funding for colleges, schools and childcare centers to open safely, and a one time $600 direct payment for individuals and children. On Tuesday, Trump indicated that he might veto the bill unless the direct payments increased to $2,000 per person and "wasteful and unnecessary items" were removed from the bill. He also vetoed the defense authorization bill. He then left to spend the holidays in Florida while House Democrats worked to pass a new bill with the $2,000 payments and both houses worked to override his veto. Trump pardoned an additional 26 people this week, including Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner's father, Charles, and the four Blackwater guards involved in the 2007 Iraq massacre.  On Christmas morning, a bomb exploded in downtown Nashville. The President has yet to respond.

The world reached 80.7 million COVID-19 cases this week and 1.8 million deaths. The U.S. hit 19.4 million cases and 340,000 deaths. More people were vaccinated this week including front line workers and some members of Congress. A new variant of the disease that is as much as 70 percent more contagious has emerged and is resulting in travel bans from the U.K.

But we were in our Christmas bubble at the beach and were largely oblivious to all that. Once we were finally free from work and school obligations (though Owen, who has a lot of late assignments, may never truly be free...), we were able to focus on more relaxing endeavors: Allen and I had contemplative walks on the beach; Nora recorded what is likely her final Camp Shenanigans Podcast, The Forest Mansion (she plays Mother Nature); and Owen worked on becoming something of a pool shark. His new skill set (plus some bonus points for cello performances) resulted in Owen winning the highly contested 2020 Pineapple Prize. 

After an extended award ceremony, we packed up our stuff, tried to kick the keg (so close...) and mentally prepared ourselves to return to reality the next day.

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