Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sixteen Candles


If fourteen was trying, fifteen was amazing -- apparently, in-person Owen is a lot more outgoing and responsible than remote-schooled Owen. Work was completed independently and on time. Classes were participated in. Friends were made. Outings were organized. Things were done.

Owen went from being anxious about public transit, to navigating his way across the DMV area in order to meet up with friends, attend climbing class and join the occasional protest. He had an Instagram fan account devoted to him (until said account was hacked and deactivated). He volunteered for homeless coat and supply giveaways. He made second chair and Honor Roll. He projected bouldering goals. He breached a fortification. He got a mild case of COVID and recovered. He took the PSAT. He became an ally and advocate. He ate fish and chips. He wore fancy pants and even fancier coats.

And while we're really proud of all of these accomplishments (ok, getting COVID isn't so much an accomplishment as a diagnosis, but he conquered it nonetheless), what we admire most about Owen is the person he's become. Owen is an incredible friend and brother who meets people where they are and becomes the friend they need, without ego or agenda. He knows when to engage and entertain, but he also knows when people need space. Owen offers support and advice, and he always provides a safe place for the people he loves. And he did that for a lot of people this year that really needed it.

So yeah, fifteen was pretty amazing, and hopefully sixteen will be even better. Happy birthday, little man. You're an incredible person and we love you so, so much. Now go conquer the world.

  1. The Doctor is in.
  2. Sometime you have to overthrow a tyrant to make the world a better place...even if said tyrant is your aunt and the world is our annual beach competition.
  3. My axe is restless in my hand. Give me a row of orc-necks and room to swing and all weariness will fall from me.
  4. "That's illegal."
  5. Wait for me, I'm coming.
  6. The line between madness and genius gets blurry when you're skiing with your dad.
  7.  Despite what you may think, nuclear reactors should not be the basis of selecting an institute of higher learning… though it can be a contributing factor.
  8. And we talk and take in the view. We just talk and take in the view. All we see is sky for forever.
  9. "Nostalgia is my favorite part of baseball."
  10. And in the immortal words of the 12th Doctor, Hate is always foolish, love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.

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