Friday, September 02, 2022

Orientation and Ovations


One of the many changes we made this year for Nora (aka Noa), was to switch them to a smaller, private school. Their commute is now an early morning, hour long metro ride instead of a less early 15 minute walk, but in every other respect, Sheridan appears to be a much better fit and healthier environment for Nora this year (knock on wood).

Sheridan doesn't start until after Labor Day, however it scheduled a new student orientation and ice cream social on Nora's birthday. And so, after opening presents and saying goodbye to Owen, Nora, Allen and I headed to Union Station in order to metro to Tenleytown, walk to school and then leave Nora to a morning of introductions, acclimation and frozen treats.

We met up with them around 1 pm and got to meet some of their teachers and other eighth graders before we headed home for the rest (and more substantial part) of their birthday celebration. Months ago, Allen bought tickets for the four of us to go to Six on Nora's birthday when it played at the National Theater. Owen immediately informed us that he didn't need to see it again and that Nora should invite a friend instead, at which point Allen suggested we get two more tickets for us and then Nora could invite three friends while we chaperoned...

So Anais, Audrey and Harper came over after school and hung out for a bit before we left for dinner and a show. For the record, you haven't experienced musical theater until you've done so with four thirteenish olds. They had an amazing time and it was the perfect way to herald in Nora's fourteenth year and all that is to come.

(To see all the birthday pictures, click here.)

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