Saturday, May 27, 2023

In Concert


We are a musical family. We've all played instruments (some better than others), we all sing (some better than others) and we all enjoy live music performances (that's pretty universal though the decibel level tolerated is higher for some than others). So we genuinely enjoy performing and attending concerts. That being said, four in a single week may be a bit much...

The count starts on Friday night, when Allen and I went to see the New Pornographers at the 9:30 Club while the kids stayed home and introduced Mom Mom to Doctor Who. Sunday, Nora had their first performance with the Repertory Orchestra at DCYOP (and then left for their last Sheridan School retreat at Mountain Campus the following day). Thursday, Allen watched as Owen and the Duke Orchestra performed the fourth movement of Tchaikovsky's 4th Symphony at the Kennedy Center before picking up a returning Nora from school, dropping them off at home, and then heading out to Wharf to meet Brad and Marlo for the Flaming Lips (I was supposed to go as well, but we figured at least one parent should be home Nora's first night back).


It was a lot for a single week, but definitely worth it and filled our cultural cup until Opera Workshop in June...

(To see all the concert pictures, click here.)

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