Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sayonara, Daddy

Allen left this morning for Japan, leaving Owen and I to fend for ourselves for the next six and a half days. Owen and I have been alone together quite a bit, and between working late, Nationals games and the occasional beer with a friend, it’s also happened that from time to time Owen has gone almost an entire day without seeing Allen, which would suggest that Allen being on another continent for this week shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Then again, he’s never been gone an entire day and Allen was always in the same time zone if not cab zone and could be easily reached should I become overwhelmed and require immediate aid. That’s going to be a little difficult this week.

Owen thus far, has taken his father’s departure in stride, sleeping over seven hours last night and taking an almost four hour nap this morning. He’s either seeking solace in his slumber or is trying to switch to Tsuskuba time as an act of solidarity. The rest has been beneficial as Owen also managed to roll-over three times onto his belly this afternoon (he rolled onto his back the day before his three month birthday, but the more challenging belly-roll eluded him until today). I just wish it wasn’t while I was changing him.

Despite all the rest, Owen’s been a bit grumpy today and I suspect it’s because his father isn’t here to throw him in the air, sing alternative rock songs to him or watch some sporting event while Mommy gets some work done. I’m missing Daddy as well, and not just because I had cereal for dinner and had to clip Owen’s fingernails by myself (I even managed to not draw blood this time). At least Allen left us a voice message telling us both how much he loves and misses us. I suspect it will probably by worn out by the time he returns…

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