Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Parting's Wet Sorrow

Grandma & Grandpa Z left this morning. We figured Owen was going to take it hard, having had them as constant companions (and pretty much exclusive companions on Monday when Mommy & Daddy went to work first and then to the Okkervil River/New Pornographers show that night) for the past six days. After all, Grandma & Grandpa were always happy to take him to the park, pull him in the wagon, sing whatever song his baby einstein caterpillar spit out, wash hands, dole out grapes and applaud such impressive feats as successfully extricating his arms from the high chair straps.

However, we really didn't think Owen would literally try to drown his sorrows by sitting in rather than on the toilet at daycare. Ms. Jackie, his new teacher, quickly rescued him though his outfit didn't fare as well. Hopefully he'll survive until our next visit...


Anonymous said...

The warm weather probably inspired him to go for a swim. Nothing unusual about that.

Anonymous said...

We had so much fun, and he really liked washing his hands! Maybe he is just preapring to be a surgeon or work in food preparation. It would be a shame to stifle his many interests!

Grandma Z