Monday, June 23, 2008

We're still not getting one...

Allen and I had tickets on Saturday to Anthony & Cleopatra (because nothing says "Happy 5th Anniversary" like a double suicide following a disastrous military campaign). Mom Mom & Grandpa Don graciously agreed to babysit for us and as a special treat, took Owen to visit Don's son, Jeff. Jeff and his wife Krista have a Bernese Mountain dog named Luna who's been trained to pull a cart which just happens to be Owen-sized. Owen happily took a test drive and quickly decided that canine carriages are the coolest rides out there.

Now with video!


Marlo Brown said...

Hmmm... we could copy that model and add another harness to really get Mia flying!

Snotty said...

OMG...ADORABLE! It sure does look like little Owen takes after his Aunt with his love for animals!