Monday, February 04, 2019

The Rebellion

Last year my 43rd birthday was on Super Bowl Sunday and of course we had a big birthday/Super Bowl party at Katherine & Lee's house. With my 44th birthday on Monday this year, it just made too much sense to do it again! Elaine and Molly had tickets to see a live taping of the My Favorite Murder podcast on Saturday night, so the kids and I headed up to K&L's early with grandpa to spend the night before Super Sunday. This gave them plenty of time to work on their latest production. In the past they've put on plays like, Rebels on Naboo, that have been impressive productions for their age, but do require a fair amount of patience and coordination from the audience. Over Thanksgiving they discovered iMovie with their cousins making the hit series of films: Island Adventure, U2's Dad, and Sponsored by LaCroix. This was a revelation! Now they can indulge their theatrical flights of fancy with editing! Needless to say, the grown ups all were able to enjoy a wonderful weekend long Super Bowl/Birthday party with only a few calls for appearing in cameos (a welcome distraction from the incredibly boring Super Bowl this year), the kids did a deep dive into how to craft a 'realistic fiction that strays from history', and you loyal blog reader can enjoy the fruits of their labors: The Rebellion!

1 comment:

Ginny Zimmerman said...

The reviews in our theater have all been at the “RAVE” level. The writing, the acting, the props the camera people were all exceptional and worthy of Golden Globes, Oscars and any other accolades that can be showered upon it. If there was any fault at all, it might be in the sound. There were times when it was hard to hear the lines while the background music was playing. Well done every one!!!!

Grandpa & Granma Z