Sunday, May 19, 2019

Concert Time

Saturday was a big day for concerts, Nora had her Music on the Hill viola recital in the morning, and then Owen and Nora had their DCYOP orchestra concert in the afternoon (both kids in the same concert!). For Owen, we've got the usual concert video with the Young Artists Orchestra's lovely renditions of Iowa Spring, Blue Rythmico, and Gustav Holst's Jupiter. Nora on the other hand needs a little something different.

Viola Radio Network has been a thing for a little while now during Nora's practice time, but now it is an official YouTube thing, Viola Radio Network, with multiple episodes, merch, and tens of views :-) So of course, Nora's concerts couldn't just have the usual treatment, but needed to be documented with a very special episode including both her recital piece (which started off a little rough when her accompanist took a few measures to realize the song was in the alto clef) and her DCYO concert. Enjoy :-)

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