Sunday, May 12, 2019

Momfest 2019

Spring 2019
The proximity of Mother's Day and Mom Mom and my birthdays is always a source of stress for its event planners. While this year the dates did not converge (which hasn't historically ended well), they were sufficiently close that the celebrations was limited to a 24 hour period involving food, adult beverages, and planned activities. The latter was a source of some stress for the celebrants, as the weather was not kind and Katherine was adamant that neither rain nor cold nor gloom of night would prevent the Mother's Day/Birthday bocce ball and ladder ball tournament from happening (also there was threats of mayonnaise marshmallows, which hardly seems a celebration of either motherhood or birth).

But apparently, that was all subterfuge (the mayonnaise marshmallows should have been the tip off), for after a delicious Mother's Day brunch (and presents), Katherine snuck in Brandi, an artist who proceeded instruct us in the finer points of replicating "Bonsai at Night." It was fun time and we all fared about as well as you'd imagine: Allen and Sharon were the teacher's pets; Katherine struggled to mix turquoise; Nora's moon emoted; Owen was all about the roots; Elaine's trees were a bit forced; Don overcame his colorblindness; John struggled with pigments; and Lee had his own point of view.

It was a lovely group activity that didn't involve standing in the rain while throwing objects in the yard or mayonnaise, everyone left with a lovely party gift, and no one got sick.

(To see all the pictures, click here.)

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