Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Girls Running

Girls on the Run 2019
Last year, I was out of town for last years Girls on the Run's Spring 5k, which meant that Aunt Katherine had to sub-in as Nora's running partner. Despite some inclement weather, the race itself went swimmingly and Nora deemed Aunt Katherine a far superior running partner then dear old mom (which one might attribute it to Katherine's regular marathon training, but I think it's just because she has a fancy Garmin). And so when given the choice of whom to run with for this year's 5k, Nora opted for Aunt Katherine again, leaving Allen and myself to simply cheer from the sidelines .

There was a lot to cheer about. The weather was glorious; Nora got a cool tattoo and Katherine and Nora kept their splits under 13 minutes (they made 12:56), beat their goal time of 40 minutes (39:37 -- more than three minutes faster than last year) and ran the last mile of the race faster than the first (which might have been due to Allen and I intercepting them prior to when they intended to start their final sprint, though we couldn't manage to actually beat them). Nora and Katherine were sweaty but happy at the finish and after a brief stop at Allen's office, we Ubered home, showered and then had a lovely brunch to celebrate.
Girls on the Run 2019

(To see all the pictures from the race, click here.)

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