Saturday, December 07, 2019


While Owen has generally avoided roles in Disney inspired productions by Stuart-Hobson (he ran the soundboard for both Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast), he decided that he wanted to join the cast for the Fall musical, Frozen. And since Ms. Pergerson didn't actual have auditions for the role he wanted (the Duke of Weselton), Owen ended up as "Jim, the servant boy" who aggressively passes hors d'oeuvres, doubles as set crew and is in a surprisingly number of scene that don't involve servitude. Adding to the excitement, this year Nora was part of the SWS crew that celebrated the concept of summer with Olaf.

The cast did an amazing job, and had a lot of fun despite the fact that we have not, in fact, built a snowman.

(To see all the pictures -- including some of our friends -- click here.)


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