Sunday, December 08, 2019


Back in 2016, our friend Jacqui invited Nora and I to continue the tradition she'd had with her late friend, Suzanne: an annual holiday tea. We greatly enjoy these outings where we ditch the boys, get dressed up, and enjoy sandwiches, pastries and hot beverages.

While Nora has always been enthusiastic about the excursion, her level of engagement has been commiserate with her age -- there was a lot of napping, dancing and generally questionable lady-like behavior in years past. At ten, though, a vastly more sophisticated Nora has emerged. One who orders tea instead of hot chocolate (she takes it with a lot of lemon and sugar). One who delicately eats her finger sandwiches (and requests turkey in lieu of PB&J). One who engages in conversation throughout the meal rather than reverting to a book.

And, since it's Nora, one who takes unsanctioned selfies.

It was a lovely outing and we're already planning next year's...

(To see all the pictures, click here.)

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