Saturday, December 28, 2019

Iowa Christmas

Christmas 2019
It was a hectic December in DC, what with trips to Japan, musicals, teas, beer, and concerts. So we were really excited for a quiet Christmas in Iowa (though the weather made it seem more like early October).

The balmy weather did make for easy travel and meant that in addition to all the Zimmermans, we got to spend some time with the Fawcetts (in typical Fawcett fashion this time was spent at the pond, cutting wood, eating and performing a modern take on Dicken's, A Christmas Carol) and with Uncle Bernie, who joined us for Christmas dinner and all the fixin's).

But mostly, Christmas was about hanging out with cousins and siblings while talking, playing games and recording the odd short film. Owen & Nora had been waiting over a year to film the sequel to Youtube's Dad and despite a few creative differences, they were ultimately able to achieve their vision while leaving an opening to make it a trilogy. Santa seemed to have a bit of a theme in terms of presents this year, and so there were competing contests of Codenames, Smartish, and the fan favorite, Chickapig (which Nora is weirdly good at).

Everyone gathered at Mom & Dad's just before Christmas Eve and Steve & Becky and Dave & Kara headed back just after Christmas Day. We stayed a day longer -- enough time so that Nora was able to get some quality time in with Grace's guinea pigs, but not long enough that she could convince me to get one. And then we headed back to DC for "fake Christmas" and a very real stomach flu.

(To see all our Iowa Christmas pics, click here.)

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