Sunday, January 22, 2006


We are having a baby. Elaine is pregnant.

A few years ago our friends Joe and Craig came down to Austin for SXSW. At the time Craig's wife Amy was pregnant, and Craig was always sure to avoid saying "We're pregnant." Amy had made it very clear that if Craig wanted to say "we're pregnant," he'd have to give up alcohol and caffeine along with her. Craig of course quickly decided that Amy was the only one that was pregnant.

Elaine loved this story and immediately adopted the policy for any and all future pregnancies, with the possible additions that I'd also have to figure out how to share her experiences with morning sickness and mood swings, and gain a few pounds to boot. Needless to say now that we're getting ready to tell people, I'm going to be very careful to note that we may be having a baby, but Elaine is pregnant.

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