Monday, May 16, 2022



It's been three years since the Cluster held the last Capitol Hill Classic, and since as a family we tended to spend our Pandemic time baking in lieu of running (Katherine clearly being the exception), some of us might not have been in the best shape for a race. However, we are nothing if not supportive of PTA fundraisers and free snacks, and so we duly registered for the race (and drafted Katherine).

Nora and I volunteered to check in runners on Saturday morning, which meant that while we were a mere three blocks from the Supreme Court, we weren't able to participate in the "Bans off our Bodies" protest (though I did wear my "Nasty Woman" t-shirt as a sign of solidarity). We then headed to Nora's DCYOP concert and met up with the family for dinner, after which we convinced Aunt Katherine to spend the night so we could get to the course bright and early for Sunday's race.

We signed Katherine up for the 10k, which has always kind of been her nemesis (the Classic is usually her first run of the year, isn't her standard distance, is always weirdly humid and they don't call it Capitol Hill for nothing...), but despite her grumblings, she had her best showing yet. The rest of us were only up for the 3k and ended up splitting into two groups – Nora and Allen vs Owen and myself. Nora had the best time of the four of us, beating Allen by a second; Owen and I were a full 2 minutes slower, though I suspect Owen's decision to run in 1) sweatpants; 2) wool socks; and 3) an N95 mask, may have been a factor).

Anyway we survived. Now we just have to start training for 2023!

(To see all the Classic pictures click here)

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