Monday, May 09, 2022

Mama Birds


In a surprise twist of fate (or the Gregorian Calendar), Mother's Day and Sharon's and my birthdays were a full five days apart and their celebrations were naturally fell on separate weekends. This meant two weekends of celebrating Sharon and I! (Which maybe my 49-year-old liver could have done without.)

We headed up to Katherine's on the Saturday before Mother's Day for dinner and drinks, which somehow culminated in me falling asleep on Katherine's couch, waking up at 4 am, going to bed and then emerging around 11 am – just in time for brunch. I then spent the next several hours putting together a puzzle (which didn't have any edge pieces because Katherine decided to store them separately and then forgot because apparently that's a thing) while everyone else prepped for the real celebration -- a painting party.

I'm not sure if my hummingbird didn't turn out so well because I was still feeling the prior evening's effects, or if I'm really just that terrible at wingspans, but regardless we had a wonderful time.

(To see all of our artwork, click here.)

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