Sunday, May 22, 2022

It's Still not a Violin

Nora has been playing viola for five and a half years, and during that time they've used everything from a violin with viola strings to a 14.5 inch student viola. But now that they've been playing for nearly six years and are (almost) as tall as me, we decided that it might be time for a more grown-up instrument. And since Nora's teacher, Mr. Enrique, had just gotten a new viola and was looking to unload his old one, the timing was perfect for Nora to purchase a 2010 limited edition MA510 Otto Benjamin 15.5 inch viola (which has yet to be named). 

With only a week or so to get used to the new instrument they still managed to have its successful debut at their spring recital where they performed Andante Cantabile by Gluck. Enjoy!  

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